Investment Fund


Asset Class

Natural Capital and Environmental Markets

Carbon finance fund that supports greenhouse gas reduction and removal projects in North America. Developed in partnership with Priori-T Capital, Inlandsis is Canada’s first carbon finance fund and one of the few of its kind worldwide. With the support of partners like Fondaction and Priori-T Capital, this fund is shaping a greener, more sustainable future.

Key points

Investment Sector

Climate Change Mitigation

Funds, Size and Period

Fund I: CAD 30M - 2017-2027

Fonds II: CAD 130M - 2022-2032

Geographic Presence

Canada, US

Investment Count


Fond d'investissement


Classe d'actif


Fonds dédié à améliorer l'accès au logement et à la propriété en investissant dans des projets de logements coopératifs au Québec, offrant des solutions abordables. 

Développé en partenariat avec la Confédération québécoise des coopératives d'habitation et le Gouvernement du Québec, il vise à soutenir des initiatives qui favorisent l’accessibilité au logement pour tous.

Points clés

Secteur d’investissement

Logement abordable et social

Nombre de fonds et taille

90 CAD M$


Présence géographique

Québec (Canada)

Nombre d'investissements


Investment approach

Financing GHG Reduction Projects

There is a lack of effective and cost-efficient short-term solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon markets are often overlooked and can be ineffecient.

The Inlandsis Fund leverages carbon markets to finance projects that reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. Inlandsis is committed to decarbonizing the economy while preserving biodiversity and natural capital.

Visit the fund's website

SDGs Pursued by the Fund

Each fund is based on a theory of change that functions as a conceptual framework for how investments are made towards social and environnemental goals, linked to the SDGs.

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Accelerating change

Project Impact Indicators


tonnes CO2 eq. of GHGs avoided

2,847 ha*

of protected land

As of May 31, 2024. *Total expected fund contribution up to 2030.

Impact projects

Projects Supported by Inlandsis


  • Methane reduction program to install thousands of low-emission pneumatic devices across Alberta.
  • Plans to eliminate over three million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

The Climate Trust

  • Program for grassland conservation and carbon capture through partnerships and land easements.
  • Plans to initially include seven ranches, with Inlandsis getting the rights to most of the carbon offset credits generated.

Northeast Wilderness Trust

  • Woodbury Mountain Wilderness Preserve in Vermont for the permanent conservation of 2,388 hectares of Vermont forests.
  • Generation and marketing of Wild Carbon™ carbon offset credits.

Our funds

Discover our Funds


A turnkey solution in energy efficiency enabling companies to increase their profitability
and competitiveness by reducing energy costs and GHG emissions.


A carbon finance fund that supports greenhouse gas reduction projects in North

Circular Economy Fund

A venture capital fund that invests in and supports innovative companies in the circular
economy sector in Québec.


A growth capital fund that supports Québec companies offering innovative climate
solutions to reduce GHG emissions.


A fund dedicated to improving access to housing and homeownership by investing in
cooperative housing projects in Québec that provide affordable solutions.

Discover our investment approach